How to Make Rice Healthy

Rice is an essential part of Indian cuisine. Be it plain dal rice or khichdi or the richly-flavored dum biryanis and kheers, they are always an essential part of everyday meals and special occasions. But doctors have been labeling rice as unhealthy as it contains unhealthy starch that leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes. However, rice can be made healthy in many ways. Here are a few suggestions.

Choose the right variety of rice: Rice is usually considered to be unhealthy and fattening, but can actually be good for your health if you choose the right kind of rice. Opt for brown or unprocessed red rice over the white variety. And if you prefer the white variety, choose premium quality basmati rice, like Radikal that contain amino acids and is a good source of vitamin B. These help prevent cardio vascular and other lifestyle diseases like diabetes.

Don’t pressure cook it: Cooking rice in a pressure cooker will only trap in the starch making it unhealthy. Slow cook rice the traditional way in a pot. Want to lose belly fat? Opt for Radikal’s brown rice as it has zero cholesterol and healthy carbohydrates that works well for weight loss. It also has nutrients like vitamin B, manganese, selenium and iron.

Add soya/ tofu to it: One of the easiest ways to make rice yummy and nutritious is to add healthy ingredients to it. Think protein rich additions like tofu and soya. Pack a healthy lunch of soya pulao made with aromatic Radikal basmati rice.

Add veggies/lean meat: Add colourful veggies like carrots, peas, bell peppers and broccoli to make healthy risottos or add some smoked chicken and herbs to your rice dish to make it healthy yet delicious. Up the health factor by choosing apica by Radikal; it will make your meal healthy and tasty.

Cook it in olive oil: The Indian palate can never get enough of pulaos and biryanis, isn’t it? But the amount of ghee and butter that goes into making them doesn’t make it easier for you to lose weight. So as important it is to choose healthy Radikal rice, it is important that you cook it with olive oil so that you are at a lower risk of contracting lifestyle diseases like cholesterol and diabetes.

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