Ways to make your cat happy

Don’t you absolutely love it when your cat purrs softly in a satisfied manner as it rubs its head across your face? On the other hand, if it was dull and depressed, you would consider it as a cause for great concern. A depressed cat is either bored or not keeping well. Once you are sure that your pet is healthy, all you need to do is to ensure that you keep it engaged. How can you do that? Well, here are three ideas that you could use to make your cat happy.

Window perches

There’s something in common with your nosey neighbor and your cat. Both love looking out of their windows into the yard and whatever lies beyond! You could make it more comfortable for your cat to watch the birds, squirrels or the traffic from your window by installing a perch such as the lazy pet kitty window perch.


One of the easiest ways to get your pet all excited is to introduce a bit of catnip. Most cats find catnip irresistible. They’ll roll around, paw, purr and generally go all crazy for a few minutes. A whiff of the substance makes them euphoric. So, what would be better than toys like catnip mice, fish, cigars or even bubbles. You could also buy a catnip spray and use it on its favorite toy or blanket. A word of caution though, do not use catnip too often as it could affect your pet’s behavior adversely.

Interactive cat toys

Toys that require some participation from your end, such as the cat dancer wand toy, are very popular with cats as they love to play with their owners. If you need to be away or can’t spare the time to play with your pet, get an automatic cat toy like the FroliCat Bolt laser toy. There’s one thing that can make your cat happier and that would be getting a treat for playing! A mentally stimulating game like the Kit-E-Quiz interactive cat toy, in which your pet has to solve a puzzle to get the treat will not only keep it occupied, your cat will also get motivated by getting a treat at the end of the game!

One of the most satisfying sights for any cat parent is to watch their pet frolicking happily. Toys are a great source of entertainment for your pet, as is watching the happenings of the world from its perch. Ensure that your pet is happy by keeping it engaged in an activity that it enjoys.

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