Desktop or laptop?

This is probably the biggest dilemma everyone has now days. Choosing between a desktop and laptop isn’t very easy as both of them have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Now choosing between them should be based on a number of factors. Let us take a look at the following factors which would involve the decision on whether to buy a laptop or desktop.

This is probably the most important factor. Now when it comes to laptops they tend to be more on the expensive side as you cannot really assemble and build one on your own. Desktops on the other hand are a lot cheaper as you can individually buy the components and build one on your own. Even if you buy desktops which are already assembled from companies like Dell or HP they are significantly less expensive when compared to laptops with the same configuration. For example if you consider the HP pavilion slimline s5310f and compare it to HP laptops with a similar configuration you would notice that the laptop is significantly more expensive.


If you need to have a computer on the go then a laptop is an obvious choice. Portability once comes in handy when you don’t really have the space in your home for a desktop computer or you would want to use a computer in different rooms. In this situation a laptop makes a lot of sense as moving a desktop would really not be worth the effort. Now HP desktops have an extremely slim case and monitor which are easy to move but they still aren’t as portable as laptops.


Now when it comes to performance laptops have closed the gaps over desktops and are almost as powerful as them. But when it comes to enthusiasts and gamers, a laptops performance would just not cut it and a desktop would be easily more powerful. The size constraint which a laptop has does affect it in terms of performance. Now if you are an average user that extra performance which you get with a desktop shouldn’t really matter. But power users will certainly want a desktop to do their job.

So based on these factors you should be able to decide as to what you really need.

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