How to get a flat belly

 Slim Belly workout

Do 3 sets of each move, performing as many reps (1 second up, 1 second down) as possible until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles you're working or you can no longer maintain proper form. Rest 15 seconds between sets. You'll likely be able to do more reps during earlier sets and exercises-and that's okay. After you can do 50 reps or hold a plank for 2 minutes for most sets, try the harder variations, change the order of the exercises, or do the moves after another type of workout.

Hipless crunch

This variation better targets abs by preventing hips and upper body from helping you lift. Lie on back with legs lifted and bent, calves parallel to floor and feet relaxed. Cross arms over chest with hands on shoulders. Contract abdominal muscles and lift head, shoulders and upper back about 30 degrees off floor. Lower without touching head to floor. Exhale as you lift; inhale as you lower.

Make it easier: Rest calves on a chair and extend arms down at sides.
Make it harder: Extend legs straight up.

No-hands reverse crunch

Instead of keeping arms at sides, where they can help abs, anchor them overhead to activate more belly muscles. Lie face up with arms overhead and hands grasping a heavy piece of furniture or railing. Raise feet into the air with legs bent. Contract abs, press back into floor and lift hips off floor. Exhale as you lift; inhale as you lower.

Make it easier: Do the move with arms down at sides.
Make it harder: Straighten legs.

V Crunch

This exercise gets your upper and lower body moving simultaneously to recruit the maximum number of muscle fibres in your mid-section. Balance on tailbone with legs bent, feet off floor and arms bent at sides. Make sure back is straight and chest is lifted. Lean back and extend arms and legs, then pull back to start position.

Make it easier: Grasp sides of thighs with hands.
Make it harder: Hold a 1- to 2-kilo dumbbell in each hand.

 Side plank

Static balancing moves like this one are challenging because your deepest abs work really hard to hold your core in midair. Do them after crunches to ensure complete fatigue-and firm abs from every angle. Lie on right side, elbow beneath shoulder, feet stacked, left hand on hip. Contract abs to lift hip and leg off floor. Hold until fatigued, noting your time. Do 3 sets before switching sides.

Make it easier: Bend legs and balance on bottom knee and side of lower leg.
Make it harder: Straighten top arm toward sky

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