Childhood cancer is curable

Nothing could be more painful. However, with great strides in childhood cancer treatments, there's hope: It is the most curable of all cancers and diagnosed early and treated optimally, the chances of recovery are very high, as kids respond to treatment much better.

According to the Indian Journal of Cancer, 40,000-50,000 children are affected by cancer in our country every year, the most common being leukemia (blood cancer) and brain tumours. But is there a way we can prevent pediatric cancer? Unfortunately, no, because it is caused mainly by chromosomal abnormality.

Though some studies claim that the intake of folic acid during pregnancy can prevent cancers in children, further studies are needed to confirm this.

As always, early detection is the key. Moms and dads, be alert and visit a doc to rule out any symptoms you may notice.

Symptoms you should not ignore

For brain tumours (Mostly affects kids between 2-6 years)
Persistent headache with early morning vomiting
Difficulty in walking
Convulsions, seizure
Abnormal eye sight

For leukaemia

(Mostly affects kids between 6-10 years)
Long-duration fever (more than 2 weeks)
Palour and dark patches or red spots on the body
Enlarged neck glands

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